Priest crucifies nun: Romanian Orthodox priest Father Daniel Corogeanu and four nuns have been charged with murder after ordering another nun who was ‘possessed by the devil’ and ‘beyond salvation’ to be crucified. The nun, Maricica Irina Cornici, was found dead and chained to a cross last Wednesday. A member of the Holy Trinity order in the village of Tanacu, Sister Irina reportedly was imprisoned after arguing with the priest during a Sunday mass. From the Telegraph:> During a short funeral service at the weekend attended by 13 nuns who showed no emotion, Father Corogeanu said: ‘God has performed a miracle for her, finally Irina is delivered from evil.’Romanian reporters present at the ceremony said strangle marks were clearly visible on the corpse, which lay in an open casket.Claps of thunder were heard as the coffin was lowered into the ground, a sign ‘that the will of God has been done’, Father Corogeanu said…Sister Irina joined the order three months ago, after visiting a friend who lived there.According to medical reports she had been treated for schizophrenia.Link (Thanks, Vann Hall!)”
(Via Boing Boing.)